Thursday, August 14, 2014

One Year Check up!

Yes, its a few weeks late, but this Mummy was putting off the pain of needles for her little man.

Dining on the finest crackers money can buy
Although after yesterday I am sure I am a bigger wimp than he is. He squawked as the needled jabbed his perfect little arm, but within 20 seconds he was laughing and smile. What a little trooper. And he is cute to boot.

I got to spend all day with Thomas yesterday and I loved every second of it. We cuddled and snuggled, played at the park and had a picnic. He is the perfect lunch date.
playing with Mummy all day is exhausting

Thomas is still topping the charts and weighed in yesterday at 24.49 lbs. I was expected more, but that is still a big little man. His height and head size is in the 97th percentile. We're big people.

He's awesome. That's all I really snuck in to report.

He is so awesome I want more. Now.

Let's start a petition to get Daddy to make another baby... he thinks space and money are important, I say PUH-SHAW! Love is all we need.


At the park and loving it!

And for fun... Thomas in his motorcycle leathers
and the boots!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week Two

I could happily write about Thomas and all the silliness that is him.

We had a wonderful long weekend, which only added to the confusion of today. Thomas was sure his days of the dreaded DAYCARE were over, having spent three blissful days with Mummy and Daddy and then BAM!! back to a strangers house. Good Luck little man.

I just wish I could explain life to him, the need for a pay cheque and my dream of being at home with him all day, but I can't. He just has to cry it out.

It's easiest on me. I don't have to pack him up in the morning or hand him over. I don't have to watch him reach for me as I walk away AND thank GOODNESS. I wouldn't do it. I also don't have to be the stranger receiving the screaming child. I get to be the simple hero, the one that shows up after a long day and brings him home, smothers him in kisses and tickles his little baby cheeks. He loves me in that moment, more then anyone else. I squish his little face and smooch him RIGHT ON THE LIPS.

It's a huge boost to my self-esteem, having doubts whether he loved me at all most days (my issue, not his). I didn't bond with him the way I expected. He have are little conversations that no one else understands and he lets me smooch him, like no one else. We cuddle and play... he loves me, but sometimes I forget how much; sometimes I am wrapped up in how much I love him.

Even right now as I am killing time at my desk 80km away from him I am wishing I was hanging out with him in the living room. We would be watching Phineas and Ferb, he'd probably be sitting in his ball pit with cracker hanging from his lips. He would giggle every time I would call to him to 'Come here.' Then with impatience I would ambush him and he would fall down laughing as he tried to escape, but I would smother him in kisses and that would be the end of him. We'd probably share an applesauce and then think about heading upstairs for a nap, probably making a pit-stop in the BIG bed for a little Grover time. It would probably be awesome.

I miss the little fart.