Tommy spent the first 2 weeks swaddled 24/7. We didn't know anything different, just a diaper and 2 blankets (to reign in his fierce kicks). We discussed sleepers on day 15, but it felt weird. Besides swaddling worked, little did we know I was doing COMPLETELY wrong and risked hurting my wee man every night (this is a possible exaggeration, but the sleep expert scared me enough to go out and buy all new blankets)
We were using recieving blankets, a basic flannel, legs tucked in and tight.
I learned about muslin sheets and proper techniques. I did that for a week, but as you can see from the demonstration, my kid (the only screaming one) wasn't into it.
Tonight we're use the swaddle me blanket and the kicks are contained... for now.
And after all of this thought... I want to be swaddled. Is that weird? I want to know what it's like. Hmmm...
Stay tuned.
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