Since no one reads this and it is more for my own musings... Here is a post about baby number 2.
We are working on baby #2 and so far it is way more fun than baby #1... we both feel less pressure. I am also not reading EVER website, article and magazine about the 'how-tos' of making a human being.
I don't think Richard is completely on board, but he's having a good time when he does 'board'.
It's different because I don't remember. I can't remember how it felt to get pregnant, like the firs tfew days after the deed, but before the test. How does that work? Are things happening while I go about my day?
I'm trying to be relaxed and easy going, but I will be sad everytime it doesn't work.
I know I ovulate early. I know I have probably already ovulated this cycle and its only day 12. I know I have 14 days to wait and see what's going on. I'm not anxious. I don't have the day circled on my calender. Selfishly I wish I could know before Saturday, when we're have a huge bash at our place... which I won't be drinking at - but I could be, if I knew.
It's just different this time.
I look at Thomas and swell with love. He is just a good time, but it took at least 12 months to get him there... he was not a good time for a solid 6 months. So add that to the 9 months of pregnancy and i am committing to a year and a half of suck. It's all worth it, but I remember being tired and fat. I remember being angry and nervous.
Who knows? Will this time be better? Will I be calmer?
And AND I already fell into the trap I swore I wouldn't, the excuse not to workout trap, because I don't want to wiggle the baby right out of my vagina, which I know FOR CERTAIN, can't happen.
So... I should update today at some point.