Last night I cried (along with Thomas) for an hour after he wouldn't go to sleep. Normally after that time I would whip out a boob and comfort us both, but I'm not supposed to depend on the boob for comfort (why the heck not?!? It's always available!). I tried to comfort him without picking him up, which feels so unnatural, until hour number two when I said 'fuck it' and scooped up my crying bed. He curled into and settled; within 10 minutes he was asleep. WHY COULDNT I DO THIS 120 MINUTES AGO?!?!
Apparently it sends the wrong message.
We had had the day from hell where I worked NOT to response to his cries, NOT to pick him up and NOT to carry him around with me... All things we both enjoy. All things that resulted in a smiling baby and Mummy for most of the day.
Avoiding all those 'bad things' meant we both cried a lot, no one slept and we both doubted the bond! He's only 3 months for Christ sake!
Argh! I've read all the books, articles and blogs... My gut says it's too soon to detach, but my doctor (whom I trust after 18 years) thinks it's time.
I am done asking for advice, comparing Thomas to my friends perfect babies and doing anything that doesn't feel natural.
I am ok with a happy baby that loves to cuddle.